
Geospatial Stacks & Analytics

Luke has over 5 years of experience developing deploying and maintaining geospatial services for Australia’s largest telecommunications company. These services enabled strategic business decision making in planning the future State of the network but also provided an intuitive visualisation platform that utilises aggregated data from a wide variety of spatial and non-spatial sources. He has demonstrated production grade experience with many systems including:

  • GeoServer build, setup and administration
  • Map styling, dynamic and thematic
  • Heatmaps, highlighting distribution density over wide areas
  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS ETL
  • OSM
  • OSRM
  • Alteryx Designer
  • GDAL
  • MapBox

Full Stack Development

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Cloud Technologies

  • AWS
    • EC2
    • RDS
    • EFS/EBS
    • ECS
    • ELB
    • AMI creation
    • Backup and restore
  • OpenStack
  • Docker
    • building docker images
    • deploying containers
    • docker-compose
    • CI/CD

Spatial Data

  • ETL Pilelines
  • Data cleansing and standardisation
  • PostGIS spatial SQL processing
  • Format conversion
    • eg: MapInfo to ESRI ShapeFile or geojson
  • Bulk data ingestion
  • Data management
  • Data analytics

Engineering Services

  • CAD Modelling
  • Engineering drawings
  • Mechatronics
  • Robotics
    • bespoke design fabrication and testing
    • Kuka Robotics GMBH certified operator
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Autonomous Robotic Systems (AGVC 1st place two years running)
  • Microfabrication
  • Rapid development
  • Signal Analysis
  • Advanced adaptive signal filter specialist (PhD)

Next Steps…

Contact Luke now to ask how he can take your GIS platform to the next level.

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