
On the feasibility of utilising gearing to extend the rotational workspace of a class of parallel robots

On the feasibility of utilising gearing to extend the rotational workspace of a class of parallel robots

Mats Isaksson · Luke Nyhof · Saeid Nahavandi

ABSTRACT: Parallel manipulators provide several benefits compared to serial manipulators of similar size. These advantages typically include higher speed and acceleration, improved position accuracy and increased stiffness. However, parallel manipulators also suffer from several disadvantages. These drawbacks commonly include a small ratio of the positional workspace relative to the manipulator footprint and a limited rotational capability of the manipulated platform. A few parallel manipulators featuring a large ratio of the positional workspace relative to the footprint have been proposed. This paper investigates the feasibility of employing gearing to extend the range of the end-effector rotation of such mechanisms. The objective is to achieve parallel manipulators where both the positional and rotational workspace are comparable to that of serial manipulators.

Journal Article · Apr 2015 · Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Research,Academic,Journal,Motion Simulator,Robotics,Novel,CAD


EEG Artefact Signal Filtering in Dynamic Motion Simulators

EEG Artefact Signal Filtering in Dynamic Motion Simulators

Luke Nyhof · Shady Mohamed · Timothy Black · Saeid Nahavandi
Research,EEG,Academic,Motion Simulator,Signal Filtering


An extended multivariate autoregressive framework for EEG-based information flow analysis of a brain

An extended multivariate autoregressive framework for EEG-based information flow analysis of a brain network

Imali T Hettiarachchi · Shady Mohamed · Luke Nyhof · Saeid Nahavandi
Full-text · Conference Paper · Jul 2013